After 5 years of being a stay-at-home mom, I found the wonder of mothering slowly starting to get crowded out by the mundane feeling. I realized our world seems to surround people with the negative, and complaining about blessings seems totally acceptable. So I decided to fight against that "normalcy" and focus only on the positive. I look back to my first year as a mom when everything was new and keeping house was fun and I aim to have that attitude again. This blog is my outlet to showcase the daily miracles that surround me in my blessed life as a stay-at-home mom so that I will never forget the wonder of it all.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Taking a cue from Waldorf....learning in nature

We learned a lot on our nature walk yesterday;

Apparently, fire hydrants sometimes need to be opened up. 
We never learned why the men were doing this.


The rivers this flooding leaves behind are great to float sticks down!
If you listen, you can find the culvert where all the flooding drains into.

And if you follow it, you may just find a man made waterfall flowing into the river....

which may be irresistible to a goofy dog.

Cracking open acorns isn't as easy as one little boy thought,

victory is thrilling! 

Old stumps can look a lot like owls.  3 year olds may get oddly attached to "my owl" stump and have a hard time saying goodbye to it even if it IS out of reach and across the river....

identifying deer scat is a good diversion from parting with Owl Stump.

Being too little to play in the rock laden stream is hard, especially when you're the one who first spotted it and pointed it out....


finding a really cool acorn makes up for it.

sleeping in the stroller under the oaks is heavenly!

Playing in the abandoned outside kitchen while baby brother naps is really fun...

....and so is making up games of tree tag...

nothing beats being patient and keeping your eyes peeled for a REALLY long time and having it all finally pay off when you find a coveted oak ball pod just like big brothers.


  1. What fun your walk must have. I would like to nap under an oak tree too.

  2. this is a welcome little look into the life of you and the kids.
